Timken R&D is the technical engine of real-world progress for our customers. The group’s specialized expertise, 125 years of cross-industry experience, and depth of knowledge are unparalleled in the industry.
All of our customer-centric investments begin at the intersection of capability and opportunity — we create technical solutions where they didn’t exist before.


Timken R&D is not siloed. Members of the R&D group pair with associates throughout the organization who are close to the customer and know their capabilities. This collaborative and disciplined approach informs our solutions. It ensures our specialized expertise and deep knowledge are applied in the most effective way possible and are always closely aligned with emerging trends.

Friction Management — understanding and implementing the scientific fundamentals of friction to achieve performance benefits

Materials Science — manipulating and applying the properties of matter that constitute and govern the performance of our products

Mechanical Power Transmission — efficiently transferring energy through engineered equipment to meet application performance goals


我们的专家团队不仅思维缜密,对客户和铁姆肯同事也总是有求必应。他们一面应对高风险技术挑战,一面专注于在整个公司内部持续提供专业支持。从 1898 年获得第一项圆锥滚子轴承专利,到近几年在专利上收获的累累硕果,铁姆肯研发部门不断践行创新之路,来反哺铁姆肯公司以及我们的客户。




We are always looking for next generation talent to join our R&D team. Ideal candidates are self-starters and original thinkers with advanced degrees who are interested in developing solutions that draw on
R&D and IT.

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2024 Fortune America's Most Innovative Companies.
R&D 100 Award Winner.