Nuestro compromiso con la calidad
La calidad es el pilar fundamental de nuestra reputación. Todas las instalaciones de fabricación de Timken en todo el mundo cuentan con la certificación ISO y cumplen las normas del sistema de calidad de los sectores a los que sirven.
Normas internacionales de calidad de Timken
Nuestro compromiso con la calidad mantiene la integridad de la marca Timken y preserva la confianza que nuestros clientes depositan en nosotros. Invertimos millones de dólares cada año en I+D, capacitación y mejoras de los procesos para garantizar que los clientes reciban un nivel de calidad constante en los productos de Timken, sin importar en qué lugar del mundo se fabriquen.
Nuestras propias Normas internacionales de calidad se aplican sin excepción en todas las plantas en las que se fabrican productos de Timken®. Además, ayudamos a definir la calidad en el sector, al crear normas para la Asociación Estadounidense de Fabricantes de Rodamientos (en inglés, ABMA) y colaborar con las normas de la Asociación Estadounidense de Fabricantes de Rodamientos (en inglés, ISO).
Nuestra medida de calidad
Con el fin de garantizar el cumplimiento de nuestra promesa de calidad, seguimos un conjunto de procesos comerciales estándar denominado Sistema de Gestión de Calidad Timken (en inglés, TQMS). Este sistema establece directrices claras sobre los niveles de calidad aceptables y excepcionales para nuestros clientes, empleados y proveedores.
El sistema TQMS refuerza nuestro valor fundamental de calidad mediante la adopción de prácticas recomendadas específicas y disciplinadas en todos nuestros procesos de fabricación y servicios.
El sistema TQMS se basa en la norma ISO 9000 e incorpora los exigentes requisitos de los clientes y las prácticas recomendadas dentro y fuera de Timken. El TQMS proporciona un marco para alcanzar y medir la calidad. Anualmente se revisa cada uno de los 21 módulos con el fin de mejorarlos de manera continua y elevar las expectativas mínimas de calidad a medida que evolucionan nuestros sectores y productos.
Política de calidad
Todas las plantas de producción de Timken en el mundo entero están certificadas con la norma del sistema de calidad para las industrias a las que abastecen. Asimismo, todas las plantas de Timken están certificadas con la norma ISO 9001.
Nuestro interés por innovar y crear productos de calidad comenzó hace más de 120 años, cuando nuestro fundador, Henry Timken, declaró que solo pondría su nombre a productos que fueran motivo de orgullo.
Esa base de calidad continúa hoy en día y se refleja en nuestra política de calidad:
- La calidad es el pilar fundamental de nuestra reputación y es clave para que cada división pueda lograr su misión, con tres principios básicos:
- Concientización
- Ejecución
- Responsabilidad
Cada empleado…Comprende la importancia de la marca Timken.
Cada empleado…Produce y entrega continuamente lo que prometemos.
Cada empleado…Asume la responsabilidad de las decisiones que impactan en la calidad.
Política de calidad
Todas las plantas de producción de Timken en el mundo entero están certificadas con la norma del sistema de calidad para las industrias a las que abastecen. Asimismo, todas las plantas de Timken están certificadas con la norma ISO 9001.
Nuestro interés por innovar y crear productos de calidad comenzó hace más de 120 años, cuando nuestro fundador, Henry Timken, declaró que solo pondría su nombre a productos que fueran motivo de orgullo.
Esa base de calidad continúa hoy en día y se refleja en nuestra política de calidad:
La calidad es el pilar fundamental de nuestra reputación y es clave para que cada división pueda lograr su misión, con tres principios básicos:
Cada empleado…Comprende la importancia de la marca Timken.
Cada empleado…Produce y entrega continuamente lo que prometemos.
Cada empleado…Asume la responsabilidad de las decisiones que impactan en la calidad.
Nuestros Certificados de Registro de Calidad
The importing, warehousing, repair, assembly and repacking, sale and distribution of a range of bearings and other related parts
Assembly and commercialization of chain conveyors in steel; carbon up to 3.78 "; and commercialization of steel sprockets in steel; carbon for application in agricultural equipment.
Services in receiving, packing, handling, storing and shipping goods and general warehouse management.
Import and commercialization of bearings
Provision of air and ocean freight forwarding services. Provision of logistics services including a warehousing, materials management and distribution.
Design and manufacture of custom and standard gear drives; precision gear grinding; C.N.C. machining; fabrication; and heat treatment.
Design and Manufacture of SRB Housed units and power transmission products
Provision of air and ocean freight forwarding services. Provision of logistics services including a warehousing, materials management and distribution.
Inspection, assembly and packaging of bearing industry products for original equipment and aftermarket customers.
Service of sourcing, supplier development and other fulfillment for Timken manufacturing facilities
Design and manufacture of tapered roller bearings
Aerospace ball & roller bearings (excluding design and development)
Timken XEMC (Hunan) Bearing Co. LTD (Xiangtan)
Custom brokerage, road transportation, freight forwarding, warehousing, distribution and relevant matched services, assist Customs and Commodity Inspection & Quarantine Bureau to carry out supporting inspection service
Rail Journal Bearing Testing
Design and manufacture of taper roller bearings
Warehousing and distribution
Taper Roller and Cylindrical Roller Bearings
Tapered roller bearings
Manufacture and Delivery of Tapered and Cylindrical Roller Bearing up to 24 Inches
Mechanical testing
Warehousing and distribution
Design and manufacturing of lubrication solutions
Design, production and sale of lubrication systems and electronic devices for the efficiency of transport on the road, off-road and in industrial installations
Timken Mexico Rodamientos
Parque Opcion
Boulevard San Jose Torres Landa No 4
San Jose Iturbide, Mexico 37980
+52 (419) 126-0180
Timken Mexico Bandas
Parque Opcion
Boulevard San Jose Torres Landa No 4
San Jose Iturbide, Mexico 37980
+52 (419) 126-0180
Tapered roller bearings and parts including forgings, cages, rollers, cups and cones
Manufacturing of bearings and bearing components
Design & Development, manufacture and repair of bearing related parts – up to 4000 mm size range; Metallurgical testing and evaluation activities
Transportation and Power Generation Accreditation – Heat Treatment
Provision of air and ocean freight forwarding services. Provision of logistics services including a warehousing management and distribution.
Warehousing services
19 (Single railway components) – Design, assembly and refurbishment of bearings and related parts." to be "Production & Service provision & EPPPS & Project management & Requirements management.
- ISO 22163 IRIS
- ISO 9001
Sales, assembly and refurbishment of bearings and related parts for the rail industry.
Design, manufacture, assembly, test and supply of company’s range of lubrication systems, hydraulic hose reels and associated fittings, by-pass filtration systems, including the repair of products returned to the factory for service under warranty
Design and manufacture of split roller bearings, ball and roller bearings and associated products.
Ball and roller bearings
Ball and roller bearings; motor vehicle supplies and new parts
The design, manufacture and refurbishment of power transmission equipment
Design and Manufacture of Chains and Auger Products
IATF 16949: Design and Manufacture of pre-assembled bearings.
ISO 9001: Packaging, greasing and distribution of bearings and bearing related products.
Ball and roller bearings
Designs, manufactures, and services power transmission products and related
equipment that serve various markets such as: Wind, Power Generation, Pulp & Paper,
Metal Processing, Mining, Petrochemical, Water Management, Cement, and Aggregate Materials.
The design and manufacture of tapered roller bearings, components and assemblies
The manufacture of anti-friction bearings
Ball and roller bearings; motor vehicle supplies and new parts
Design, Manufacture and Distribution of Torque Transmitting Couplings, Power Transmission Products and Hydraulic Oil-Water Coolers, Repair of Variable Speed Pulleys and Manufacture of Custom Powder Metal Components
The manufacturer of anti-friction bearings
Design, manufacture and service of power transmission products and related equipment
Design, manufacture and service of power transmission products and related equipment
Design, manufacture and service of power transmission products and related equipment
Philadelphia Gear, A Brand of the Timken Gears & Services (IL)
Design, manufacture and service of power transmission products and related equipment
Design, manufacture and service of power transmission products and related equipment
Design, manufacture and supply of specialty brakes, clutches, and custom engineered products for niche markets.
ISO 9001: The design, manufacture, supply and repair of specialty brakes, clutches, torsional spring couplings and custom engineered products for niche markets.
- ISO 9001
- ABS Certification
ABS Certification: American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) Manufacturing Assessment Certification
• For the manufacturer of brakes
Recondition locomotive roller bearings
Recondition locomotive journal bearings
Design related to Repair Activities, Manufacture, Repair, Service and Sales of Electric Motors, Generators and Control Panels.
The manufacture of ball and roller bearings, including super precision bearings and housed units.
The design, manufacture and service of power transmission products and related equipment for Power Generation, Pulp & Paper, Metal Processing, Mining, Petrochemical, Water Management, Cement, and Aggregate Materials.
Manufacture of ball and roller bearings
Inspection, reconditioning and overhaul of ball and roller bearings, and other non-bearing aircraft repairs.
901 Aucutt Road
Montgomery, IL 60538
United States of America
Design and manufacture of rod end, spherical and journal bearings
Design, Manufacture and Assembly of Bearing and Power Transmission Products
Design, manufacture, and repair of rolling element bearing components and assemblies
The manufacture of engineered precision and miniature bearings, components, and related motion devices.
Manufacture of rubber belts for power transmission
Design and manufacture of rubber belts for power transmission
GL Renewables Statement No. 73893 – Verification of the Dynamic Rating Method for Taper and
Cylindrical Roller Bearings
Supply chain management control and information with customer service contract and document review
and order processing.
Design and Manufacture of Driveline Components
The manufacture of caged rings, ball bearings and taper/cylindrical/thrust/self-aligning heavy duty roller bearings
Design, manufacture, installation and service of cranes
Provision of air and ocean freight forwarding services. Provision of logistics services including a warehousing, materials management and distribution
Provision of air and ocean freight forwarding services. Provision of logistics services including a warehousing, materials management and distribution.
Packaging warehousing distribution and order fulfillment