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Timken-Richtlinie zu Konfliktmineralien

The Timken Company acts responsibly, exercising sound judgment in our dealings in accordance with our ethical standards and the law. On August 22, 2012, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission issued the conflict minerals rules (the “Rules”) under Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010. The Rules require reporting and disclosure of the use of conflict minerals in the products of publicly traded companies. The law and the Rules were enacted in response to reported human rights violations and armed conflicts in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and its surrounding countries (the “DRC region”). Under the Rules, conflict minerals are defined as tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold (“3TG”).

Most of Timken’s products do not intentionally contain 3TG. Our core products are made from recycled scrap steel. Soweit 3TG verwendet wird, verpflichtet sich Timken zu einer verantwortungsvollen Beschaffung dieses 3TG. Wir werden nicht wissentlich bewaffneten Gruppen, die in unrechtmäßige Konflikte in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo verwickelt sind, Vorteile oder finanzielle Unterstützung gewähren. We will conduct the necessary inquiries and due diligence on the source of the 3TG that is used in our products. Wir erwarten von unseren Lieferanten, dass sie sich an dieselben Standards halten. Wir werden mit unserer Zulieferbasis zusammenarbeiten, um unsere Rohstoffe von 3TG-Vorlieferanten, Schmelzhütten und Raffinerien zu beziehen, die nicht zur Gewalt in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo beitragen. Suppliers are also required to comply with Timken’s annual conflict minerals reporting requirements, which are designed to provide Timken with the information we need to make responsible sourcing decisions.

Form SD and Conflict Minerals Report